I Was Fired

Now that I have your attention let’s talk about getting fired.  Do you believe there is a stigma around this?  I’m guessing that all of us know someone that suddenly left a job.  Perhaps they decided to retire early, or pursue other interests.  Losing a job due to termination, whether that termination is, or is not, merited, can make it feel as though you are adrift at sea with no shore in sight.  

Being asked to leave a job, or being escorted out the door with no warning, can leave anyone in a fog.  There is really no guide as to which steps to take or avoid.  This situation can be further complicated by an employer offering the soon to be ex-employee a financial package.  In order to get the package, you may be asked to resign voluntarily, rather than be terminated.  When facing the loss of income, it seems foolish to turn down an offer that can help you.  This further adds to the stigma of being fired.  It becomes something to hide and keep under wraps.

I would like to see more transparency around involuntary terminations.  As individuals, we can use termination as an opportunity to grow.  As hiring managers, we need to understand that sometimes a termination has nothing to do with the individual that lost their job.  When a business doesn’t have a good quarter or a good year, someone may take the fall, whether or not they had the ability to change the situation.

I’m open to continuing this conversation, both publicly and privately.  Are you?   

Originally published in LinkedIn February 26, 2020

Julie Hoffman