What Do You Want in 2020?
As we enter a new year, and a new decade, I look back and marvel at the changes that 2019 brought to my life.
· I retired from 20 years of working as a nurse leader
· I started my own business
· I very consciously chose to be blissfully happy
· I made the commitment to only take actions that are completely aligned with my vision
Perhaps most importantly, I gave myself permission to take a leap of faith into the wild unknown. I have truly loved working as a leader in healthcare, and have no regrets about all the days (and nights!) I spent in service to my teams. In 2019 my passion changed. I became aware that I wanted to use my leadership experience to help others achieve their dreams.
This realization did not come about overnight. Once I understood that my path no longer included nursing leadership, I took over a year to actually execute my plan. In truth, I was a bit surprised to realize that what I desired in my career had changed.
As we begin 2020, I encourage you to spend some time looking at what it is you want in your life. Is what you desire in alignment with your actions? Perhaps, like me, what you desire has changed. If you find this to be the case take a moment to just breathe. Change happens. Change can be the best gift you give yourself. Change is powerful, change is exhilarating and change can be scary.
Challenge yourself to follow your heart into this new decade. Have faith that you will land on your feet. Choose bliss, align your actions with your desires, and be amazed at what you create.